New housing estates and business parks without access to mains drainage need to be connected to a domestic or commercial treatment plant system, or anywhere that cannot connect to public sewers. It is vitally important that treatment plants are kept in a well maintained condition to ensure that the final effluent discharge is of a high enough quality to be discharged into the selected soak away or moving body of water. This can be linked to a Consent to Discharge Notice.
Therefore, regular emptying and cleaning should occur at least annually to maintain the correct operation of the treatment plant within the manufacturers guidelines. Below, we have some images that demonstrate this point. Apologies if you are eating lunch! The picture on the left shows an over full treatment plant that will cause drain blockages further up stream. The raw effluent is able to flow over into the wrong sections of the plant which will cause contamination. The picture on the right is showing that the drainage upstream was blocked and liquid poured in for a good length of time after the treatment plant was emptied. If you need advice about your treatment plant or not sure if you need an emptying service, call us today and book your inspection.
Septic tank emptying in Swindon, Wiltshire and surrounding Counties. Call today to arrange. Septic tanks emptied from just £186 /thousand gallons.